Please access the recording of our Q&A call with Marie Forleo below:

We believe that pairing top-notch business training with brand & lifestyle savvy, opens the door to living fully, at the intersection of ambition & ease.

We’ve partnered with Marie Forleo’s B-School – the premier training for women entrepreneurs – to bring you the amazing bonuses below.

What is B-School? Here’s Why We Love It…

B-School is an 8 week, interactive video-based training program that teaches smart, effective online marketing strategies to business owners who want more sales and more impact from their online presence.

Whether you’re brand new to business or established and ready to grow, B-School will challenge you to execute at your highest level. It’s designed to turn your business into a force for good that fuels higher profits and your higher purpose.

B-School also includes interactive components like “Office Hours” where Marie answers questions and offers strategic advice to ensure that you take consistent action and receive the highest value from the program.

Sarah says

“My first 2 years of business were a huge struggle, and as soon as I felt like I was gaining traction through seeing one-on-one clients in person, I moved to the other side of the country for my husband’s surgical residency program. I lost almost all of my clients. With 2 years of being in business for myself and only a few months of success to show for it, I thought it would be a pretty good time to throw in the towel.

But there was something inside of me that just couldn’t let it go. Even though I had no evidence to show that I could be a great leader in my field, I just knew I wanted to help thousands of women feel better about their bodies. I also knew that with my husband in school for 6 more years,

I wasn’t willing to wait around to have the lifestyle and financial freedom I wanted, especially knowing that we’d be having children in that time. In 2012, I took B-School for the first time, and launched my signature program,

Live More Weigh Less, and we now have over 1000 graduates. I’m able to support my family (we have 2 kids now!) in an expensive city, and can afford most of the little luxuries that I desire, all because of what I learned in B-School.”

Nisha says

“Sarah and I met and became friends in 2010, while we were both hustling to build our businesses. At the time, I was trying to figure out how to balance my love for supporting women one-on-one and in small groups, with the calling I felt to serve many, many more.

I knew that taking the leap to create online offerings was my path, but it felt daunting. How was I going to pull it off without a team or a ton of money? Could I create an online course that would have depth and meaning? How would I organize the content so it was clear and not overwhelming to participants? So, along with Sarah, I took B-School in 2012, determined to find a solution to these questions and nurture my calling to serve in a bigger way.

Through B-School, I created my first online course, Fierce Fabulous Free, which now stands alongside my retreats and coaching as a core offering in my business. I love the course, and it allows me to serve more women, many of whom end up taking part in my retreats and mastermind.”

One of the biggest things that’s shifted through B-School, though, is that I now feel myself truly standing in my leadership, knowing that I can create anything.



You’ll be in a room full of incredibly supportive, ambitious, entrepreneurial women, creating lifetime friendships and a support system that makes all the difference.

Sarah & Nisha will lead you through the key components that have led to their lifestyle and business success, and you’ll walk away with laser clarity on the things that will make the biggest difference for you.