Overcommitment :
1. Oblige (oneself or others) to do more than one is capable of.
2. Allocate more resources to a goal than can be provided.
Overcommitting is exhausting.
I used to want to just.stop.eating.
I used to want to just.stop.shopping.
I used to want to just.stop.working.
I was addicted.
Totally and completely addicted.
I piled my plate full of food, my arms full of clothes, and my calendar full of appointments.
I didn’t want to miss out.
I wanted to take every opportunity, taste every food, have one in every color.
I wanted to “have it all”.
I was a YES.
…and I was exhausted.
Burnt out.
Your day only has 24 hours.
Your house is only so big.
Your belly is only the size of a fist.
So…What is actually important?
What does your body really want?
What can you actually accomplish today?
What if that’s enough?
Save some room in your belly and on your calendar for dessert.
Put less on your plate.
It’s simple:
When there’s more on our “plate” (at the dining table or the office desk)we feel compelled to tackle it all.
What if we were more honest about what we could handle?
What if we were more honest about what we wanted?
What if we asked for help?
Savor every “bite”. Life is meant to be savored. It is because I say it is. <<TWEET IT>>
Just do what you’re doing when you’re doing it.
Why not?!
When we slow down…