As I’ve contemplated this invitation, three questions came to me. Dig deep and hear what’s true as you ask yourself:
1. How much of my day-to-day energy is hooked into my To Do list?
2. Do I feel like I’m holding my breath while I push to get it all done?
3. Am I secretly measuring my value as a woman, based on what I do, and whether I get it right?
In a culture that places so much emphasis on productivity, “getting ahead” and doing, it’s easy for us to lose touch with our true feminine power, and our ability to connect deeply with ourselves, our intuition, and a joyful sense of ease. And when we lose this beautiful connection, we’re truly missing out on a vibrant, soul-powered way of being in the world.
That’s why when I was invited to be part of the Annual Inspiring Women Summit{free online}, I said yes. I get invited to speak on a lot of summits and say no to nearly all of them, but this one is so spectacular, I knew I had to share it with you, my sister-tribe.
I’m honored to be among 30+ visionary women & men – including people like Sera Beak, Arielle Ford, SARK, Rose Cole, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Harville Hendrix – who will help you blaze a sacred path to an extraordinary life. This year’s program is packed with illuminating wisdom for deepening your spiritual connection, standing more powerfully in your feminine leadership, and sparking your creativity.
The more we learn to live in alignment with our natural essence, the more all the aspects of our lives become infused with more ease, joy and abundance. We become more inspired and empowered to create the kind lives we want, and make our best contributions to the world.
Whether it’s leading a multi-million dollar company or growing a small business, empowering your community or being a more conscious parent, enjoying deeper emotional and sexual intimacy or birthing a creative project that will change lives – the information and guidance in this summit can be applied to anyone and everyone.
Enjoy, and I’ll ‘see’ you there.
// photo credit: In Her Image Photography