In my 9 years in business, I’ve never been so quiet. I’ve never gone weeks without writing and sending out that writing. I’ve never listened so closely while saying so little.
But, I’ve been quiet.
Not because I don’t care.
Not because I’m disconnected.
Not because anything is wrong.
Because space.
Because I’ve been busy being here, wondering, feeling, listening, learning.
I’ve been creating space for myself, for my team, for my dreams. I’ve been feeling all the things that want to be birthed, and listening to hear when it’s their time, and mine. I’ve been basking in the wide open space of curiosity.
And the conventional business wisdom would say “Don’t stop talking; You’ll become irrelevant.”
I choose not to buy into that scarcity thinking. Instead, I choose space.
Becaue I don’t write if I don’t have something to say that’s relevant.
And I don’t always have something to say.
Sometimes I’m busy being here, wondering, feeling, listening, learning.
Because loving me and loving you are not all that different.
Because taking care of me and taking care of you are almost the same.
So I took space.
Because I care.
Because it’s important to me that we’re connected.
Because it felt right.
Thank you for being here.
I’m back, and I’m so excited to share the exciting things that have been seeded and are growing, just as soon as they’re ready for the light of the sun.
—> In the comments below, I’d love to hear: How do you push yourself to conform to conventional wisdom, when in fact, you just need some space?
Love this, nisha! SPACE. <3 I was just traveling in Japan and now off to mexico in a coule days and your message connected with me. I've been creating space for myself, but was feeling guilty about it, which totally took away from me being present to the amazing experiences that were active and alive in my life.
i would enjoy the exploration freedom, adventure and connection with life, then go online (to "work") and feel guilty, restricted, behind…and then I realized that I was taking away the joy that i have been working so hard to create, the time and freedom to explore and journey both externally and internally. I wasn't being fully present in my season, this season, of life.
It's a daily reminder, but my life is my life and love what you said "taking care of me and taking care of you are almost the same" when I allow myself the opportunity to shine, I give others the permission to do the same.
Thank you. Arrigato. gracias. xo
Sorry for spelling erros and misplaced caps, the comments show up in caps, so hard to tell what you are typing! 😉 #ohwell
I so Appreciate this. Space is needed right now for me to evolve, integrate, redesign, undo. I have started to understand my timeframe is mine and mine alone. I cannot conform and produce at someone’s pace or demands. breathing. space. dreaming. feeling. so necessary.
Nisha, this is very timely. I, too, have taken space in my business and have been quiet. I haven’t done a video for over a month and haven’t posted a blog for a few weeks. I feel that things are percolating under the compost of all my thoughts, desires, Amd fears. It it’s refreshing to hear a kindred spirit sister is appreciating and experiencing the quiet spaces; to create from, reflect in amd just to ‘be.’ Thank you for yoir wisdom, your Guiding light and for staying in your tRuth. I will look forward to hearing what has been percolating for you too 🙂
Shelley craiG
Love your emails NIsha! I try not to push myself because the best thing we do is be patient w ourselVes!
Really loved this message Nisha! We really do need to give ourselves that space in our lives to cultivate what’s the next best step in our lives and not feel guilty about it. Thank you for sharing!
I hear you and pleased to read this. I too have been quiet since … September. My mum was unwell and passed away in November. I just didn’t have the energy to inspire or even share my thoughts during this time or since. I’ve had insights which I shared with friends in personal messages and been told several times to write a book as so much came up for me as a result and it’s only recently I’m starting to acknowledge what bereavement feels like as my ego/ mentally I was feeling left behind and was in a rush to get back into how things were, but emotionally, energetically and physically I was nowhere near ready. How could I support and inspire others if I couldn’t take care of myself?
Welcone back, Thank you for this post xxx
Hugs to you, Farah. Definitely take care of yourself. I’m sure your mom is supporting you!
Thank you for sharing your truth and authenticity with an open heart. I love what you’re expressing here and it resonates so truly with me. i am also taking space and time at the moment and i am listening to get deeper within myself and hear the messages from my truth. how do i WANT TO COMMUNICATE? how do i want to share with the world? what’s me? i don’t want to post something just to comply. i truly believe i hold my own truth and only the expression of that will truly impact the world and allow me to share my gifts fully and in humble service. and for my gifts to be fully received by the persons who will benefit the most from them.
Everyone needs their time & space but so few people acknowledge this and keep going faster and faster and pushing themselves to the point of panic. A YEAR AGO, I WENT OFF FACEBOOK BECAUSE IT WAS TOO CONNECTED TO TIME & PEOPLE OF THE PAST. My guy & I have been living in somewhat remote places for the past few years. In a way we feel rather antisocial but we both know we’re in a good space of healing and creativity and preparation. We’re living a good now and preparing for our next chapter.
Nisha! Wow! It is amazing to feel so connected and in synchronicity. I am continually questioning how to be authentic with my business. Because, honestly, there is so much surface fluff out there, especially around marketing. Honestly, posting on social media 3 – 5 times a day??!! I will unapPologetically say ‘No, thank you!’ to that.
I, too, have felt quiet this last week. And in those quiet depths, true authenticity can be nurtured. I return to trust. I return to love. In that space, I know I will be guided and cared for — and when it is my time to serve, that will become clear as well.
I truly desire to share my life and offer my love as a freedom coach. but, i have reavulated what success means to me — and it can be # of followers or even number of clients. success for me (right now) can only be living fully, loving fully, and soaking in the gifts of the universe — fully.
I thank you, nisha. I thank you for continually being real and letting your truth be your message. I hope to meet you one day so that we can see into each others eyes and hearts. I know we are part of the same constellation…
and our stars glimmer, even on cloudy nights, when no one can see them…. their light is shining. xo Sarah Mcekon
space is beautiful. finding Yourself and ourselves is wonderful. Thank you for remembering us.
Nisha – this is so perfect. I tried growing a coaching business, bumped into so many brick walls, many of my own making, before becoming so frustrated that i took a huge step back. I didn’t email my list, except for maybe one or two posts, for over a year. I didn’t feel like I was in the head or heart space to write something to my list just to say I did.
Now, I am so grateful and excited to have a more refined vision that I connect with at a soul-deep level and am working on my website, etc., to share this message with the world 🙂
Agree.. Such an amazing reminder. Sometimes we forget that source of happiness is loving ourselves. Love what we are doing, knowing yourself.
YES, Nisha! I completely agree and it’s so countercultural. When I hear from a dear friend who’s been quiet for a long time, I’m overjoyed! I would never think it’s been too long and she’s become irrelevant! Our belief in lack can become so absolute that we don’t even question it. Absence can make the heart grow fonder. If we listen, we all know when we need space. Great to hear from you. Enjoy the quiet : )