I’ve been a food addict.
I’ve spent every dime I made.
I’ve been a complete workaholic.
Not because I lacked self-control or willpower, and not because I’m broken. I’ve struggled with “using” these things because there were things in my life that I was avoiding. It was never about the food, shoes or emails. It was about the fractured self-esteem, the failing relationship and the fear that I wouldn’t be able to make it.
Because I know firsthand the spiral of destruction that happens when there’s something in our life that’s nagging at us, but we don’t don’t pay attention to it, I believe that…
When life is calling our attention to something, we have to give it the attention it deserves. If we don’t, it won’t get better; it will only get louder.
Because of this belief, and because I am totally on board with her unique and empowering message and method… if you’re feeling weighed down by your weight, I am excited to share my friend Sarah Jenks with you.
Watch this video to learn about her brilliant philosophy and how we can create more freedom within our bodies:
And if you’ve been struggling with “using” things to avoid your weight and body image, check this out: LIVE MORE WEIGH LESS video training series.
I agree Nisha, Sarah Jenks’ approach to emotional eating by living more in order to weigh less makes so much sense. Beautiful, thanks for sharing!