We sat in a circle, hands on hearts, breathing deeply, while the skies opened up around us. Flashes of lightening and thunderous claps seemed an arm’s length away, and we imagined that they were responding to our words – a symphony of Yes.
One by one, as our deep truths arose, the women in the circle spoke. Our hearts poured out through clear, open-hearted and unwavering voices…
“I stand in the the truth that I am an artist.”
“I am done overworking and avoiding.”
“I release the illusion that I control anything.”
“I release the story that my mom didn’t love me.”
“I am done with pretending that my voice doesn’t matter.”
Then, with the leadership of my dear sister and mentor, Elayne Kalila, we made sure that each woman in the circle (myself included) was ready – truly ready – to claim what she was now claiming and live this truth in her life.
How often do we have “aha moments”, and say yes to something that – deep down – we don’t really mean?
We write brave new declarations in our journals, choose a new affirmation to stick on the bathroom mirror, promise to “start on Monday”, and post cutesie quotes on Instagram… then, we go right back the way we were.
We want it, but we’re fearful of what it takes.
We understand it, but we’re not prepared to live it.
We like the idea, but lack the trust to surrender.
That day in circle, we weren’t going to play such games.
So one by one, each woman had the opportunity to connect with her own truth – in a space of non-judgment – about whether or not she was willing to have life hold her in integrity with what she was saying. Was she willing to live in alignment with her truth?
When you’ve declared your truth, be willing to truly live it, and the truth will set you free. {tweet it}
…And sometimes, getting there will hurt.
When you’re committed to growing and living in alignment with your truth, life will tango you towards the light. But this dance into radiance doesn’t move in a straight line.
When “good things” happen, we assume we’re on track. When “bad things” happen, we may fail to see that this is all part of the process…
Sudden illness may be your body purging the “issues in your tissues”.
The end of a relationship may be the door that needed to close to welcome the new.
A foggy mind may be the step off the hamster wheel you need, in order to find clarity.
A stalling project may be the gift of realignment, in disguise.
Pain isn’t bad; it’s part of being a human. Suffering, however, is a story wrapped around pain, and that’s something we can prevent by simply being present with the pain. In this way, pain shows up as a gift, a teacher, and a way-shower. It doesn’t always mean we’re moving the wrong way. Sometimes it’s dancing us into alignment.
1. Tell the truth
What is your heart truly, deeply ready to embrace or let go of? Are you willing to discover what it takes?
2. Make a choice
Right here, right now, what action will you take in alignment with what you’re stepping into?
3. Let it be
The pleasure and the pain are here to show the way. Allow them to be here – feel them – without the stories.
4. Stretch up
Like a tender shoot reaching for the sun, lean in the direction of your desires. Invite the light.
5. Get checked
Have your trusted friends and mentors support you in staying connected to where you’re headed.
6. Trust
A tighter grip doesn’t guarantee success. Your prayers have been heard, love. Just keep moving…
Life has your back.
Keep listening to your heart.
Embrace alignment.
—> In the comments below, I’d love to hear from you: What are you truly ready to complete in your life or to claim for yourself? (It’s okay to only be ready to be ready). Are you willing for life to show up to initiate you into this new reality?
This is just what I needed to hear today. I am stepping full-force into my life after finishing 25 years of schooling, including the life-school of single-motherhood. And my book beckons. My unwritten (well-outlined, conceived, yet-to-be-storyboarded) collaborative graphic novel. I have this thing about biting off more than I can chew and laughing with my mouth full spraying crumbs like a clown… And not spitting it out. Because the big dreams are worth going a little overboard for, and swimming in the sea of them— isn’t that the point? Anyhow, thanks for the inspiration. And it was so lovely finally meeting you. That magic cauldron was the perfect place for our eyes to first meet. It shall not be the last.
We are so looking forward for your novel to come alive and share all that your heart is yearning to express in every way Ali. I also love that you are committed to meeting with Nisha and others lovely women soon. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words with us here xo Jolenny
Hi, amazing post! Made my day.
I’m ready to discover my true passion and to work with all I have to achieve my dreams.
Thank you so much for sharing May, and we are so excited to see that your moment has come 🙂 May your dreams unfold with ease and grace!
When I was a child, my mother used to tell me that I was talking to hear myself talk, because she didn’t want to hear me in that precise moment for whatever reason. Claiming my space in this world, believing that I am capable of taking care of myself and my family, standing up for myself, anxiety, depression, fear of traumatising my own daughter in the same way, all those struggles, come from that phrase and others that came from my mother. That legacy stops here. My sister decided to not be a mother. Motherhood sought me. This is my moment to make my voice heard. My poetry book. It’s now or never. This week, I’m finalising the poems and getting it ready. Next up, I want to be a writer (I’m currently a translator), so I’m working on relaunching my website and marketing myself like there’s no tomorrow. Now is my moment. Now is our moment. Thank you for the encouragement for self-reflection. We will always have ups and downs and self-doubts, but as women we can support each other our encourage each other to listen to ourselves! I’m doing mindfulness counseling at the moment, but my dream is to one day do a retreat or coaching like yours.
I can so palpably feel your clarity and love for your daughter, your vision, and yourself Roanna. You have us here rooting for you and excited to see your poetry book, and all the magic you are currently creating. Like you so joyfully said, this is your moment! We are so very grateful to have you here sister xo Thank you for sharing
This posting definitely spoke to my heart. I’m ready to let go of the expectations that others have placed (and I accepted) on my life. I’m ready to live and operate within my passion, gifts and calling. I’m so ready to actively create the life that I was born to live!! I’m ready and wonderfully scared…….I’m sending out to the universe that I hope to meet you ladies very soon and become a part of your wonderful tribe :)Thanks again!!!
We would so love to have you and welcome you on Alina 🙂 If you feeling called to join us in just a few weeks, we will be meeting in New Mexico for a 1 week retreat to begin the Freedom Mastermind journey that lasts through September. It would be a treat to assist you in co-creating your vision for the world.
I really love this…I am ready to accept support in my life. I feel like I can’t have the life I want without asking for and accepting support from other people. Sometimes it’s hard for me to open up and trust…but I’m ready to, and it’s the only way for me to move forward and have the life I truly desire.
You have us all rooting for you Mariana, what a beautiful statement you have shared here with us. Thank you for speaking from your heart sister xo