BE your being,
Your core, your essence- what was there all along.
In the beginning before the rest came into form, your light, your energy,
Your energetic thumbprint,
Your color, your shape, your texture, your movement,
Your song
Your light.
Your BE-ing-ness
What came before the doing-
The BE.
The you behind the YOU
Your witness
Your all seeing eye
Your timeless BE-ing
Your stillness,
Your deep pool of being-ness,
Your effortless-ness,
Your flow
The you that lights up the room with no words.
The you that simply by BEing transforms, heals, empowers and delights
The YOU behind all the masks,
What is left when you stop trying to BE and simply BE.
The BE-ING in you.
Your Presence is a Gift-
Who are you called to BE?