For several years, I’ve been writing about personal freedom, inspired by the idea that the world will be set free by women who are free. Last month, I saw an opportunity to look far beyond ourselves to support people who are in great need. With your help, the FIERCE FABULOUS FREE family raised thousands of dollars to help end sex trafficking, pushing past the fundraising goal. Thank you! I was so grateful and overjoyed with your outpouring of support, that I’ve decided to create a monthly Freedom Fund – an opportunity for us to collectively support a person or organization whose freedom we can positively impact.
We are so fortunate. Let’s give forward.
Meet Tammi, mother of 4 and oldest sister to my friend Terri Cole. Tammi was diagnosed with cancer but had a successful liver transplant 8 months ago (yay!) She pulled through and is healing, but she still needs our help…
Pictured left to right: Tammi & Terri
Terri created a fundraiser to support Tammi’s transplant, but now the money she raised initially is gone and the financial reality of crappy insurance policies and uncovered anti-rejection medications means that they need to raise more money for living expenses and healthcare. The financial burden has sent Tammi back to work full-time as a hair dresser, and it’s far too soon. She is still in pain and is exhausted.
Tammi didn’t want to ask for help, but sisterly love is a powerful force, and Terri sent out the call to a few close friends. With Terri’s blessing, I’m here to add to that list of supporters.
1. To help Tammi and her family out, consider donating any amount of money that feels good here: Tammi’s Liver Club. You’ll be helping a family who could so use your support.
Once you’ve made your donation, email me at [email protected] and I’ll enter you to win a 1-hour FREEDOM INTENSIVE with me, so we can explore the next level of your freedom. When you’re more free, you’ll make an even bigger difference in the world, and the ripple effect goes on and on. The world will be set free by women who are free.
2. Share this post with your friends, so we can blow Tammi’s goal out of the water. Thank you!