The backbone of my business and life
as a whole, has been my community.
In the short video below, I break down
the 4 things I look for when creating a
passionate, purpose-driven
community, focused on
success & happiness
(not just the money, honey).
I love this! I have yet to be part of a big (10-20 ppl) mastermind but I am so looking forward to finding my sisterhood of soul-supporters. I have a small group of women (5-6 ppl) who are all starting online businesses or running them, but its not nearly as structured as I would imagine The Freedom Mastermind is.
As a new grad, I can see so clearly now that young women (we) need to support each other in chasing our dreams! Otherwise, we unknowingly lead each other to settle. I love this topic of “having a sisterhood you crave” and can’t wait for more. Thank you Nisha for being such a light. 🙂
Just Love,