It’s no revelation for me to acknowledge that life and business are not always easy. Ask any newborn or seasoned business owner.
There are just so many things at play: the complex lives and temperaments of others, our own complex emotions and relationships, changes in desires, curiously shifting outcomes, unhealthy patterns and attachments, the seemingly infinite factors that contribute to “success” or “failure”, the perspectives that challenge and shape our views and emotions, love, loss, death, and the ever-changing nature life…perhaps, even, the alignment of the planets. It’s a lot.
Sometimes, everything! feels! amazing! And sometimes, everything feels hard.
One of my hardest times in life happened several years ago, when I was starting my business. My grandfather had just died, my mother’s health was tenuous after a life-threatening surgery, my husband and I were struggling to make ends meet, I was working two part-time jobs and working on my business at night, we were dealing with issues in our relationship, he was having a hard time as a father, I didn’t feel like I had anyone to turn to (none of my closest friends could relate to the struggles of getting a business off the ground, and I was too embarrassed to share about my relationship challenges), and then my grandmother died.
I felt like my world was upside-down and inside-out, and my life was rapidly swirling towards devastation.
Most people have had times when everything feels hard – even impossible. When our life feels like it’s crashing down around us, and our circumstances feel like they’re holding our happiness hostage, and just. won’t. let. go.
What keeps us from crawling into a hole and never coming out, in those times?
What prevents us from becoming bitter and resentful?
What has us find the resolve to keep going when everything feels hard?
We can find external reasons to keep going – our kids, the agreements we’ve made with others, “saving face”… And in times of crisis, when we can’t find anything inside of us to compel us to keep going, those external reasons can support us to pull through.
Ultimately, though, life continues to provide opportunities to either rise with resolve or spiral in despair, and the thing that will promise to pull us through time and again is not something outside of us, but an internal quality…
In an interview the other day, I was asked “What is your greatest strength as an entrepreneur?”
My answer is what I truly consider the greatest strength of ALL entrepreneurs, and really, a core human strength: TENACITY
Tenacity is an internal state of resolve. It carries with it a willingness to fall and stand again, a willingness to rise in the face of any obstacle, and a willingness to stand for something.
When we couple tenacity with openheartedness, we see challenges as opportunities for growth, we bring flexibility to our devotion, and that “something” that we stand for is, at its core, love.
When everything feels hard, tenacity and openheartedness help us find our way home. {tweet it}
Knowing this is one thing. Actually moving from this state is quite another, especially when things feel rough. In times of challenge, how do we cultivate these qualities?
Be willing to actually feel
When things feel hard…they feel hard. Let yourself actually feel the sadness, longing, anger…without pushing it away with stories that say “God hates me”, “things never work out my way”, “I can’t trust people”, or whatever your pet story is. Instead, cry it out, punch a pillow, write it out in your journal or talk it out with someone you love. Feeling the purity of your emotions and the sensations in your body, without the added stories, keeps your heart open and frees your mind to focus forward…
Believe the most empowering thing
If things are already feeling hard, why choose a miserable perspective to compound the despair? It can be hard – a heroic effort, even – to stand in the pain and choose an empowering way to look at a situation. But without that, there’s no way through, and there’s everything to lose. Sometimes, the most empowering thing to believe is “Even though I don’t know why this happening, and I’m hurting sooooo much right now, I know that this too shall pass.”, or “Even though it hurts to let go, I trust that I am being led to something greater for me.” (Ahem: Choosing to believe that “karma is a bitch, and they’ll get theirs” is NOT empowering, and only holds you in energetic bondage with them.)
Connect with what you’re committed to
We’re all committed to something, even if it feels like we’re just “existing”. For example, if someone feels stuck by their circumstances but keeps running the same disempowering stories and not making an effort to shift things, they’re actually committed to feeling stuck by their circumstances. Alternatively, if someone feels stuck in their circumstances, they can commit to gathering all the learnings and finding the other side with grace and joy. So in a moment when everything feels hard, what are you going to choose to commit to? And then, re-commit again and again and again…
Make an honest effort to do your best
There’s a difference between “trying” and doing our honest best. To try something, we must merely attempt it, even if feebly. Making an honest effort to do our best asks us to dig deep and find every shred of internal resource to bring to our actions. It means choosing to do the hard but necessary things to take care of ourselves, like eat well, move our bodies, sit down and run the numbers, or have the tough conversations. When everything feels hard, our best might not look like it does when things feel great, but making the honest effort is what keeps us true to our commitments.
Lean back
There’s a reason why the word “isolation” has negative connotations – we are not solitary creatures, meant to be wholly self-reliant. Even if you consider yourself fiercely independent, who made your clothes or grew the food you’ve eaten today? We depend on one another. But in times of challenge, most of us are inclined to pull back and isolate ourselves, which usually only serves to keep us swirling in the darkness. The people who care about you care. It’s an honor to support someone who’s going through a tough time. But in order to be supported, we have to be willing to share what’s going on, ask ourselves what kind of support we need (therapy? crying it out with a friend?), ask for support, and receive that support through both our listening and actions.
If you’re in a time in your life where everything feels hard, know this…
You are not alone in your pain.
You are strong enough to get through this.
Eventually, this too shall pass.
—-> In the comments below, please share about a time when everything felt hard, and how you pulled through. If that time is now, share what you’re committed to, and the empowering thing you’re choosing to believe about your situation.
I choose to believe that “everything have an order that I may not see right now”, but is a perfect and divine order. In a period of transitions (like now for me), I choose also to go slow down, and try to make peace with my result oriented mind. Not easy for a doer, but possible.
Love this, I always look for the empowered option. Find a mentor who’s doing it and model them. Ask and you will receive. Although this works so well when I’m in ‘flow’ I usually cycle between that and feeling a not bleh about it all. But now I know it always shifts and it’s ok to take a break from the work of life!!
I agree with this wholeheartedly and know that we can feel bad and still choose the thoughts,and take the actions that will empower us to get up and move forward. Love this!
I had a hard time accepting my new work environment, we were bought by another company and the company rules changed drastically, we were now requested to work long hours with more work and sometimes no lunch breaks. Other employees went with the flow but it was very hard for me, I resisted, fought but that did not get me anywhere it left me angry, bitter and Isolated, I know that I am entitled to lunch break and other things we previously had but in a group I also learned that I was an individual, I had to come up with a survival mode for me whilst looking for another employment, I gave myself permission to do the things I love, yoga and meditation in the morning, listening to music on my desk whilst working, stayed out of office gossips, did my job and met my deadlines, journal-ling my day at night before going to sleep, thank you for this insight much appreciated.
I tend to allow myself to get stuck, and then grant myself aha moments that inspire me. The aha moments are great but when I’m stuck, I feel just awful and I let everything spiral out of my control-just to start over again at the bottom and wait for my aha moment to lift me back to where I was and then never really progressing or growing beyond that. I think I’m afraid to allow myself to succeed because then I’ll be accountable for more action in my life, but I think more that is what I’m craving, it’s just scary to take the step into it. But I know I can succeed here. Thank you for this beautiful inspiration!
The part that resonates with me the most (since all of it does) is to realize how WE ARE NOT ALONE… No matter how much my ego would like me to believe that I am deeply alone in a state of “EVERYTHING FEELS OR IS HARD”… To remember that so many of us at one point or another’s the here… Actually there are probably many humans right now, in this moment, in this hard place. Feeling a sense of connection with my fellow humans takes me out of the spiralling deep and deep and deeper into disconnection. The act of recognizing in this gentle silence that suffering just is and is not isolated incident but just the way of the world.
Thank you for this reminder beautiful Nisha!
Love and light
Right now feels hard, but I keep finding articles like this, links to videos, forums like Heidi’s that led me to this blog, etc — all of these help me know hard is real and has nothing to something being wrong with me. Then I take another step forward. 🙂
I’ll be sharing your post!
So glad this speaks to you! You are not alone.