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Wise Future Self


The other day, a friend asked me, “Do you believe in soul mates?”

I began to share that I don’t believe in “The One” but that we probably have many soul mates in our lives…
Then I paused.

“You know what? I have no idea. I used to believe in a lot, and now I feel quite free in knowing that I just don’t know.”

I used to spend a lot of time wanting to know things.
I craved the comfort of certainty.
But certainty comes with a price: the end of curiosity.

I’d rather be curious than certain. <tweet it>

Here is a sample of things people have
said to me this week:

“People keep saying they can’t afford me. My rates are too high.”
“I only had 3 people at my workshop. Thursdays are a bad day for events.”
“I have been in a funk all week. Mercury retrograde, man.”

We do this all the time.
We do it about business and love and life.
We assume.

When we assume…
> we abandon curiosity.
> we close our hears and minds.
> we stop growing.
> we create separation.
> we quit.


1. Identify 3 beliefs that disempower you or stifle your curiosity. For example, it is not remotely valuable for me to question whether or not my parents love me. Believing that they love me gives me incredible joy and peace. Conversely, believing that I am not as smart as my friends and parents is no longer a tolerable belief to hold. It’s causing me to think small of myself and not be curious about the world. Time to challenge this.

2. With compassion, recognize that you can’t keep these beliefs intact and be a healthy person. Being free requires the radical act of seeking out internal shackles and picking the locks.

It’s easier to do nothing.
It’s easier to stay comfortable.
It’s easier to remain shackled.

But if you want a life of freedom, then you have to choose to be free.

3. Assume you’re wrong and let the world show you. I used to believe that strangers needed to earn my trust, so I walked around mistrusting everyone. Prove it to me. When I realized this was incredibly disempowering to me and others and harming my ability to connect, I decided to see people as loving and honest.

Not surprisingly, perhaps, the world showed me that they are.