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Wise Future Self


For the past 6 days, I’ve been mostly horizontal. A combination of crazy-making jetlag and an unidentified Indonesian bug have taken me down…down…down.

Yesterday, I was feeling well enough to host a coaching call for the women who were on retreat with me in Bali, and I discovered that I wasn’t the only one.  So many women shared that jetlag had them feeling upside-down and sideways, too.

On top of it all, we just returned from a beautifully transformative retreat.  We spent a full week diving into our deepest hearts and making the emotional and strategic “chiropractic adjustments” necessary to come into deep alignment.  We laughed and cried and sang and danced together.  We stretched out of our comfort zones and into our dreams.  It was rich and beautiful…and it’s a lot to integrate.

In our collectively tender, transformed state, I shared my perspective on this time of mushy brains and sleeping late:

“You can push through and try to get back to ‘business as usual’, or you can soften into this and receive the medicine of the mush.  There’s a lot being integrated, and if you listen through it, maybe you’ll discover a new way of living, loving, and working.  What’s the point of rushing back to the way things were?”

Forced surrender – illness, jetlag, childbirth, heartbreak – is an opportunity to slow down and listen.

It asks that we tend to our most basic needs, find gratitude for the simplest of things, pare down our busy-ness to what’s essential, ask for and receive support, and explore what we’re feeling called to next.

While forced surrender can seem like our demise, if we listen carefully, it’s actually asking us to live.

But listening carefully is a decision…
Instead, you can take non-drowsy medicine and push through.
Instead, you can eat your feelings.
Instead, you can continue to try to do it all yourself.
Instead, you can try to get back to your “old self”.

Or, you can soften into yourself now.  You can gather clues for a new way of living, loving, and working that is more present and honoring.   You can discover more peace and joy within your heart. 

There is beauty in surrender. {tweet it}

When life has walked you to the edge, receive the gifts by finding the beauty in surrender…


Before traveling home from Bali, I made sure that I’d have fresh, healthy food and flowers waiting for me when I returned, so I could settle in and rest.  Your food plays a huge part in dictating your mood, and when you’re already “in it”, the last thing you need is your blood sugar out-of-whack.  Bring your attention to the small things you can do to tend to your precious body, and do your best.  Taking care of someone (you), will help to pull you through.


When your head is pounding or you just lost someone you love, it can feel like everything is bad and wrong.  But as long as there’s breath in your lungs, there’s something to be grateful for.  Make a practice each morning of writing a gratitude list, even if for the simplest of things.  Gratitude gives us perspective, and helps us align with our hearts and find our direction.


If life has forced you to slow down for a while , there’s no point in freaking out over all the things you “should” be doing.  Worrying doesn’t make them happen, and it doesn’t make the process any easier.  In fact, it’s a massive growth-stunter, that prevents you from receiving the goodness from the experience.  Instead, ask what’s truly essential, and you’ll discover that for most things, the world can wait.


For those things that need not wait, ask for help.  The times when I’ve been forced into surrender have been some of the most illuminating, clarifying times in my life and business because I can clearly see where I’m lacking in solid systems, and where I desire more support.  Where can you automate, delegate or simplify things like grocery delivery, scheduling, cooking, house cleaning, and client support?  Now is your time to explore.


If there’s good to come from life pumping the brakes, look for it in your heart.  What are you avoiding?  What lies or half-truths are you telling yourself or others?  Where do you say yes when you mean no?  What are you resisting, forcing, manipulating or glossing-over?  What do you desire?  What is secretly calling your attention?  What is asking for your love and presence?  What’s calling your heart?

Get quiet.  Listen.  You just may find yourself.

—> In the comments below, share what gifts you’ve received when life has thrown you curveballs.  If life is throwing you a curveball right now, what are you taking from this post? I’d love to hear from you.