We’re back! (Life update w/ Becca Piastrelli)  / Ep. 18

We’re back! (Life update w/ Becca Piastrelli) / Ep. 18

How on earth does one come out of caregiving-induced-hibernation, when the tending is never ending? I have been wanting to restart my podcast for a while (a long, long while), but where to start?  So I called on the support of my dear friend, Becca Piastrelli, to sit...
The Complexity of Consistency  / Ep. 17

The Complexity of Consistency / Ep. 17

Being in the first trimester of pregnancy in the depths of winter, while navigating huge changes for my family, has been a great opportunity to bash myself over the head with the word CONSISTENCY. I have not been consistent in many ways. I’ve felt the fear in that,...
Exploring true (not toxic) ambition…  / Ep. 15

Exploring true (not toxic) ambition… / Ep. 15

I don’t know about you, but the pandemic has brought me a huge opportunity to explore my ambitions on a deeper level…  Why do I want what I want? What do we want collectively, and why? Do I actually want what I say I want, really? What conditioning and wounding has...
Facing the fear of being called-out  / Ep. 14

Facing the fear of being called-out / Ep. 14

In these deeply divided times, where we’re expanding our awareness of the ways we’ve contributed to inequity and injustice, where social media enables a lightning-fast game of “telephone”, where assumptions are made based on optics, and where calls to “cancel” someone...
Longing to give our {deepest} gifts  / Ep. 13

Longing to give our {deepest} gifts / Ep. 13

It’s a longing I know intimately… A profound desire to be “used up” by life, in service of this world and her people, in whatever ways we’re most uniquely designed to give. A profound desire to be fully engaged in the right work for the right people. A profound desire...